Bolhão Market reopens this semester

  • 3 years ago
Mercado do Bolhão

Porto City Council revealed that “the opening of the Bolhão Market is scheduled for the end of the first half of 2022”.

In the old Mercado do Bolhão there are 132 spaces, however, in the restored and modernized space there will be “a total of 129 spaces, with 81 indoor stalls, 10 indoor restaurants and 38 outdoor stores”.

Bolhão Market
The municipality explained that “in the new project, a much greater diversity of offer has been ensured”.
With regard to rents per square meter (m²), in addition to the continuity of historic traders and tenants, Porto City Council guaranteed “the same rate of 5.91 euros for stalls and set a minimum of 8.88 euros/m² for restaurants and outdoor stores if they had a lower rent (and 3.86 euros/m² for upper floors)”.

With regard to the 42 spaces to be awarded by tender, the monthly amounts vary depending on the public auction.

Porto City Council also revealed that “the basic values of the tenders per square meter correspond to 16 euros for stalls, 12 euros for restaurants and 21.74 euros or 50 euros for stores, depending on the floor”.
The procedure for designing spaces other than those for historic vendors is through invitations to tender, which is why there are no lists.
The century-old market, which opened in 1914 at the start of World War I, was the target of a restoration project consigned to May 15, 2018, the date that marks 100 years since the old market opened. 

The work was scheduled to be completed two years later (May 15, 2020), however, the covid-19 pandemic, among other problems, delayed the reopening. 

 The contract to restore and modernize the Bolhão Market was awarded to the Alberto Couto Alves S.A and Lúcio da Silva Azevedo & Filhos S.A group for 22.379 million euros, with an overall execution time of 720 days.


Text: Redação casa sapo noticias.