August 2021

Prefabricated balconies to create outdoor space in any home

Outdoor spaces – no matter how small – have become highly valued during the lockdown periods prompted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Having a balcony, terrace, or even a garden at home has become a priority for many. Demand criteria have changed and supply has followed: now there are prefabricated balcony solutions that can be installed in any apartment. It was with the aim of finding a solution to the lack...

Outdoor furniture? These are the most resistant materials.

The Outdoor furniture allows you to fully enjoy that patio, terrace, or garden you have at hom And design is the key that can help you achieve a unique and special space. But you shouldn't just look at the style; materials are equally important. Don't forget that the furniture will be highly exposed to the sun, humidity, and temperature changes. They won't last forever, but if you choose well, these...

What is Euribor? In short and simple terms

Did you know that Euribor is the main indicator for most variable home loans in Portugal? Or is it also used to calculate interest on other financial products such as personal loans or bank deposits? We'll explain what it is, how it's calculated and how it affects citizens in a minute. Euribor is the interest rate paid by banks in the eurozone for lending money. Even easier: it's the price at which banks...

Beach, countryside, or city – How to choose the right area to live in?

City or Suburbs: Tips for choosing the right area to live Whether you're thinking about buying or renting a property, choosing the right area to live isn't an exact science. There are always a series of factors to consider that vary according to each person's profile, their goals and ambitions, needs, and expectations. What is right for one person may be completely different for another. Some people...